BIOSEK, evaluation methodology of different biometric systems

BIOSEK, is the design and set-up of an evaluation methodology and comparison of different biometric systems in real environments.

The aim of this project is to design and set-up a laboratory which includes biometrics systems for authentication, and to develop a methodology to evaluate and compare them in order to give interested institutions and companies the possibility of high quality consultancy in the area, as well as to promote the medium and longterm research on these technologies.

Outcomes of the project:

  • Establish clear criteria to evaluate and compare the biometrics systems (existing and prototypes).
  • Create a systematic methodology for evaluation and audit as an extension of areas in digital security, which have already been developed.
  • Investigate the lacks of these systems from the point of view of Computer Graphics advanced knowledge and interaction technologies in order to determine the possible risks of their use.
  • Analyze the social effects of the daily use of biometric authentication systems.
  • Define a stable cooperation frame with the companies which will allow improving the evaluation and comparison method in the medium and long term, promoting the combination between the research advances and the real needs of the industry.

At the end of the project, VICOMTech will be able to give interested institutions a high quality consultancy, with a scientific support and a precise analysis methodology. Equally VICOMTech will be able to perform a deeper research in Biometrics, following the interests of companies and the actual society.

Moreover, analysis, evaluation and comparison methodologies will be developed, in order to obtain a realistic rating of these systems, which could also represent a reliable tool for different companies, helping them taking decisions in the future concerning the acquisition of biometric systems or the estimation of the real security level of a certain already installed system.

Contact :
Edurne Loyarte
Asociación Vicomtech
(+34) 943 309230

Media Contact

Edurne Loyarte Basque research

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