Ultrasound Elastography


Elastography has recently emerged for diagnosing pathologies based on variations in tissue stiffness. Due to its high precision magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) has so far been the only technique able to assess the viscoelastic properties of the brain. <br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> This new ultrasound elastography (USE) allows the non-invasive examination of the brains viscoelastic properties. The head of the patient is exposed to mechanical low-frequency vibrations. The resulting oscillations of the brain are measured with an ultrasonic sensor from different directions. Thereafter the wave velocities are determined based on the wave phase propagation and with a probability-based algorithm. The determined wave velocities can then be converted into viscoelastic parameters and thus can be used for diagnostic purposes. <br><br> <strong>Benefits</strong> <ul> <li>Results comparable to those of MRE </li> <li>Cost reduction</li> <li>Significantly decreased examination time </li> <li>No shadowing effects </li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German patent application (12/2012)<br> PCT patent application <br> <br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Technische Universität Berlin

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