2nd Vaccine Global Congress – also Virtual

For those people who cannot attend the congress in Boston, Elsevier is organizing the 1st Vaccine Virtual Congress powered by ON24, the leading provider of webcasting and virtual events solutions. This truly interactive event will allow people to sample the high-quality content and networking opportunities that the congress and exhibition provide from their desk.

Following the successful Vaccine Congress held in Amsterdam last year, the meeting in Boston will again serve as an authoritative international interface between academics in research and development, regulatory and governmental agencies, charities, and health and industry professionals.

The 2nd Vaccine Global Congress is organized in collaboration with the International Society for Vaccines. To supplement a number of invited keynote speakers, multiple oral and poster presentations have been selected to cover all facets of vaccinology, including: human vaccines for infectious and non-infectious diseases, veterinary vaccines, adjuvants, drug delivery, production, safety and regulatory aspects.

In addition, for all of those who cannot join the congress in Boston, Elsevier is offering a taste of the 2nd Vaccine Global Congress by broadcasting live keynote presentations and related Q&A, scheduled on the 9th of December. People will be able to submit questions in real time, network and chat with their online peers, and navigate the show via a virtual fully interactive platform. Registration for the Vaccine Virtual Congress is free.

“As for last year, our aim is to provide a progressive state-of the-art report for scientists, governmental authorities and healthcare workers”, stated Floris de Hon, Publisher of Vaccine, “I am confident that together with the virtual information solution we offer, an event will be created that will assist in accelerating progress in the development of vaccines”.

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