International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies 2010 – Call for Papers

The Conference is jointly organized by Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Engineering, German Biomass Research Centre and Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Environmental and Energy Economics.

The ICPS10 will deal with the following topics:
o Gasification technologies
o Gas cleaning
o Synthesis of biofuels
o Synthesis of bulk chemicals
o Combination with other biomass conversion options
o Biorefinery concepts
Aim of the Conference
Biomass gasification is a key technology for a highly efficient biomass utilization. All different types of energy currently used within our energy system can be provided by the conversion of solid biomass into syngas: heat, electricity and biofuels. Therefore such polygeneration systems have become more and more important within energy policy and industry in recent years. This is one reason why this topic has been discussed already on several conferences. But slowly it is realized that for economic and environmental reasons as well as due to limited biomass resources such polygeneration systems could be even more promising if they become part of integrated biorefineries. Such biorefineries are characterized by the possibility to use a wide range of different biomass feedstock as well as a broad variety of different products to be used as a raw material and/or an energy carrier.
The main aim of the conference is to present the current state-of-the-art of syngas production from different biomass feedstock and in various thermal capacities, the syngas cleaning and syngas utilization for the provision of e.g. bulk chemicals and biofuels. Additionally ideas and concepts for integrated biorefineries are presented, discussed and assessed. This will form a platform for the exchange of information, results and experiences.

The conference language will be English. National and international researchers as well as industrial representatives from the manufacturer and utility side are invited to contribute to the success of the conference by the submission of papers and posters.

Media Contact

Antje Sauerland idw

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