9th International Congress on Obesity: information for the media

9th International Congress on Obesity

August 24-29 2002 São Paulo, Brazil

Obesity is headline news almost every day of the week. Legal actions against junk food, talk of a „fat tax“, rising levels of childhood obesity worldwide with the new added complication of type 2 diabetes emerging in youngsters, along with increasing pressure on the health and medical authorities worldwide to take action make this a top health story to follow.

So what is driving the global epidemic of obesity? What are the factors putting a whole generation of children at risk? What are the links between obesity and diabetes, heart disease and cancer?

Covering everything from genes and metabolism to epidemiology, prevention and treatment, experts from all over the world will be discussing the latest research with 3,000 delegates at the 9th International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Journalists are already booking up to be there, but even if you can’t attend, you can register for e-mail and web-based updates. Just send an email to ICOmedia@iaso.org

Media Contact

Neville Rigby alfa

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