Hyalurinic Acid with Cytokines –for Treatment of Osteoarthritis


The intraarticular injection of hyaluronic acid (HA) in patients with osteoarthri-tis is so far the most promising treatment as it has been shown to delay the degeneration of cartilage. Even though it is known that the transplantation of stem and progenitor cells into degenerated tissue stimulates the regeneration of the damaged tissue there is still no treatment available which successfully regenerates the damaged tissue. <br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> The intraarticular injection of a suspension comprising HA and chemokine-loaded microparticles delay cartilage degeneration while stimulating the re-generation of the damaged tissue. The synergistic effect of HA on the re-cruitment of stem and progenitor cells by chemoattractants has been proven to promote tissue regeneration. <br><br> <strong>Benefits</strong> <ul> <li>Stimulation of cartilage regeneration </li> <li>Local cytokine release </li> <li>Biocompatible and biodegradable microparticles</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German patent application (12/2010)<br> PCT application (11/2011) <br> <br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

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