Siemens delivers switch panels for gas-insulated high-voltage switchgear to Saudi Arabia

The especially compact Siemens 8DQ1-GIS switchgear can switch short-circuit currents of up to 63 kA at a nominal voltage of 420 kV.

Siemens has received an order for the delivery of 111 switch panels that will be used to meet Saudi Arabia's growing demand for electricity. The switch panels will be installed in a total of five gas-insulated high-voltage switchgear (GIS). The order marks Siemens' entry into the direct EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) business for GIS systems in Saudi Arabia and is valued at more than €90 million. The customer is alfanar Construction, the general contractor in charge of building the turnkey stations for the state-run energy provider Saudi Electricity Company. The switch panels will begin shipping in the second half of 2015.

The scope of supply includes 111 single-break circuit breakers from the 8DQ1-GIS switchgear series. This system features a compact design and has a standard panel width of 2.20 meters, making it the smallest switchgear in the 380 kV (kilovolt) range. The GIS switchgear are destined for the five 380-kV stations (Qurayyat, Tabarjal, Al-Jouf, Arar and Waad Al-Shamaal) in Saudi Arabia's northern Al-Jouf region. The power grid in this region is to be further expanded due to growing demand. The 8DQ1 system is manufactured in Siemens' Berlin switchgear plant.

„We welcome the opportunity to support the expansion of Saudi Arabia's power transmission grid,“ says Harald Griem, who heads the High Voltage Products Business Unit within Siemens Energy. „The customer was won over by our tried-and-tested products and excellent delivery capability. These attributes underscore the competitive strength of our GIS system business in key markets such as Saudi Arabia,“ Griem adds. Siemens has already received four orders for the new compact 8DQ1-GIS switchgear from Saudi Arabia this year.

Siemens is one of the leading suppliers of GIS systems and GIS switchgear and has already installed more than 29,000 switch panels in approximately 2,200 GIS stations in over 100 countries. GIS solutions from Siemens are usually developed for a service life of more than 50 years and are practically maintenance-free during operation. The first GIS switch panel from Siemens went into operation in 1968 in Berlin and is still in service today.

GIS and related services are part of Siemens' environmental portfolio. Revenue from the portfolio accounted for approximately 43 percent of the company's sales, making Siemens the world's largest supplier of environmentally friendly technologies.

The Siemens Energy Sector is the world's leading supplier of a broad spectrum of products, services and solutions for power generation in thermal power plants and using renewables, power transmission in grids and for the extraction, processing and transport of oil and gas. In fiscal 2013 (ended September 30), the Energy Sector had revenues of EUR26.6 billion and received new orders totaling approximately EUR28.8 billion and posted a profit of approximately EUR2 billion. On September 30, 2013, the Energy Sector had a work force of approximately 83,500. Further information is available at:

Reference Number: EPT201409068e


Ms. Sabrina Martin
Energy Sector

Siemens AG

Freyeslebenstr. 1

91058  Erlangen


Tel: +49 (9131) 18-7032

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