Double conference: 5th ICAFT and 22nd SFU 2015

The conference participants can view the IWU testing facilities during ICAFT 2015 and SFU 2015. Fraunhofer IWU

The German industry is on a path towards innovative modes of production: driven by more and more individualized products and the options arising from digital data exchange and networks, efficient, flexible and dynamically adaptable process chains have to be created.

As a result, manufacturing itself is becoming more and more complex. In this context, it is necessary to analyze and optimize value-added chains both in research and engineering of equipment configuration and process technologies, as well as in industrial practice.

With the motto “Efficiency in forming technology by Integrated Approach to Process Chains”, the double conference executing ICAFT 2015 and SFU 2015 together establishes a platform to discuss current research results and best-practice examples from industry, as well as central future trends and innovation strategies.

Experts from various fields will discuss topics encompassing the whole value-added chain, focusing on sheet and bulk metal forming, Industry 4.0, tools and dies, machine tools and joining, as well as semi-finished parts.

The conference program is enhanced by a company exhibition, as well as the traditional „Forming Live“ event including many demonstrations in the testing facilities of the Fraunhofer IWU. The participants can, among other things, see the new institute’s flexible press hardening line in action.

This line is run via intelligent process monitoring and process guidance, and is equipped with a custom-developed furnace for contact heating to enable rapid and graded heating of blanks. Moreover, technologies and model process chains for sheet and bulk metal forming will be presented, also in combination with innovative machine concepts.

The Saxon Forming Technology award (Sächsischer Preis für Umformtechnik) will be awarded during the networking dinner held in the Chemnitz festival hall Stadthalle on 10 November 2015.

For members of the press:

The press is cordially invited to take part in the conference free of charge. To improve planning, we ask you to register before 23 October 2015 at

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