GEO Announces Illustration Competition

Along with GEO magazine, published by the Hamburg publishing house Gruner + Jahr, the Copernicus Masters has announced to hold a competition for illustrators, graphic designers, and other artists for the first time this year. Under the heading „Traces of Humankind“, participants will be asked to accentuate humankind's footprint on our blue planet by applying graphical and artistic techniques to satellite imagery.

The GEO Illustration Challenge is part of the Copernicus Masters, an annual Europe-wide competition that has awarded the best projects and business ideas for Earth monitoring applications since 2011. Copernicus, meanwhile, is the satellite programme of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA) that will provide, accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security. Previously known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), the programme's name was officially changed to Copernicus in December 2012.

Submissions to the illustration challenge „Traces of Humankind“ will be accepted now until 30 June 2013; those interested can register at Participants will then get access to the necessary satellite imagery from four Copernicus Masters partners: ESA, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), European Space Imaging GmbH and Astrium GEO-Information Services. This summer, a jury will select the 20 best entries and publish them for voting at

The entrant who takes home first prize will be commissioned to illustrate a GEO article and will receive a VIP invitation to attend the launch of a Sentinel satellite at the European space port in French Guiana. The top three submissions, meanwhile, will be printed in the European editions of GEO, and the 12 entries that prove most popular in the online vote will be compiled into an exclusive calendar.

To learn more about the GEO Illustration Challenge „Traces of Humankind“, please visit

About GEO
GEO magazine has been published monthly by the Hamburg, Germany publishing house Gruner + Jahr for 36 years. Its opulent photo coverage and exciting, impeccably researched reports on science, nature, and humankind have made it the most respected German-language reportage magazine and one-of-a-kind in Europe.
In the German-speaking countries alone, GEO can claim more than three million readers every month. Its publisher also supplements the magazine with a series of further topical journals, including the children's magazine GEOlino (along with UNICEF), the travel magazine GEO Special, and the science magazine GEOkompakt. Meanwhile, the initiatives „GEO schützt den Regenwald“ („GEO Protects the Rainforest“) and „GEO-Tag der Artenvielfalt“ („GEO's Day of Species Diversity“) further reflect GEO's effort to raise awareness of environmental protection and the sustainable handling of natural resources beyond its own readership.
First published in France in 1979 and in Spain and Russia in the 1980s, GEO currently appears in a total of 20 countries, including India and Brazil. It also sells print and digital versions of its magazine in English all around the world.

For further information, please visit

About the Copernicus Masters
Since 2011, the annual Copernicus Masters competition has awarded prizes to the best projects and business ideas involving commercial applications based on Earth observation data. Its purpose is to support the development of market-oriented applications that use data from the European Union's Copernicus programme (previously known as Global Monitoring of Environment and Security, or GMES). The Copernicus Masters was initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA); the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology; the German Aerospace Center (DLR); and T-Systems with endorsement of the European Commission. In 2013 the Copernicus Masters is also supported by European Space Imaging GmbH; Astrium GEO-Information Services; and the BMW Group Research and Technology (submission phase 1 June to 15 September 2013). Furthermore, the competition's new media partner, GEO magazine, will be accepting entries in its own special challenge (submission open until 30 June). The Copernicus Masters competition is organised by Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen.

For further information, please visit

Further information on the Copernicus programme is available at

Lena Klemm
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Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen
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D-82205 Gilching
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Lena Klemm Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaff

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