GBM Fall Conference 2017 – The Molecular Basis of Life
The congress will cover the entire spectrum of molecular biosciences with symposia on
Chromatin and Gene Expression
Cell Signaling and Membrane Trafficking
Subcellular Organization
Molecular Machines
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease and Therapies
Emerging Methods
More than 60 speakers, renowned researchers from Germany and from abroad as well as young investigators, will present the newest findings in their fields.
Besides, junior researchers will be selected from the abstracts and will be invited to give short talks about their research (Pecha Kucha format).
In addition, there will be sessions on research in the bioscience industry, spectroscopic methods and biomarkers, career development and education as well as activities tailored specifically for scientists in the early stages of their careers.
The integration of young researchers from all levels is one major aim of the conference.
The meeting will provide ample opportunities for fruitful discussions, as well as the possibility to initiate new collaborations and joint projects.
For details about the program and all congress related information please visit the congress website
Abstract submission and registration are already open.
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