The XV ISPIM Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway
„Successfully creating innovative products and services: integrating academia, business and consulting“
Radisson SAS Park Hotel, Fornebu Park, Oslo, Norway, 20-23 June 2004
The 2004 ISPIM conference „Successfully creating innovative products and services: integrating academia, business and consulting“ will take place from 20-23 June 2004 at the Radisson SAS Park Hotel, Fornebu Park, Oslo, Norway.
The hotel enjoys a unique location right in the middle of lush, green Fornebu Park, yet Oslo city centre is only 10 minutes away by taxi or bus. Oslo Airport Gardermoen is 55 km away from the hotel, and can easily be reached with bus or train.
This conference will again feature both academic papers and presentations from industry, however, a number of workshops are also planned to elaborate on the theme of the conference. In addition, all delegates will have the opportunity to submit a poster as long as it follows the theme of the conference.
Important deadlines are 25 February 2004 for abstracts, 19 April 2004 for full papers, presentations and posters.
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