New Pill Package – Applicator for Ointments

The invention offers two new packaging methods for pills and ointments. Advantage of the packagings is the one-hand operation and the sterile application of the drug.

Pills are fixed on a carrier item that is airtight sealed in a blister-like packaging. It enables the patient to take the pill sterile with one hand from the carrier item. Particularly, the pill goes straight to the mouth of the patient and any contact with the possibly unwashed hands or the non-sterile environment is avoided. The invented pill dispenser can have marks for the weekdays and daytimes. Additionally it has a fixed patient information leatflet, so that a mixing up with other drugs becomes excluded. For the sterile application of an ointment a small map packaging was invented. Therefore, the ointment is airtight sealed on a cushion at the end of a rodlike carrier item. The rodlike carrier items are alternating fixed on the map packaging and one map contains as many dosages as needed for one day. The patient is able to apply target-oriented a defined dosage of one use sterile at every time and everywhere. Therefore, the packaging is special on the way extremely convenient.

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Tel.: +49 (0)30/2125-4820

Dr. Dirk Dantz

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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