GLOSTER unleashes Dry Fog on nosocomial agents

GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE of France will be presenting its unique, complementary solution for preventing and treating nosocomial infections using Dry Fog diffusion technology at the Düsseldorf trade fair in late November. This innovative, patented technology is underpinned by the STERINIS(r)/STERUSIL(r) device/product pair. It is used to disinfect all kinds of surfaces, including those which are generally inaccessible or hidden in a hospital/patient environment or in other ultra-sensitive environments (such as mass catering facilities, day nurseries and other public places).

Nosocomial infections (i.e. those that originate or occur in a hospital or hospital-like setting) are a recognized and critical problem worldwide. Methods of disinfection currently available commercially (directed spray, nebulisation, wet spray, etc.) are not effective enough and cannot be used to diffuse and apply disinfectant products in all areas and on all surfaces (including medical devices and equipment). As a result, infectious agents can quickly re-contaminate the area that is affected.

In France, statistics vary (depending on sources), but it is estimated that between 6,000 and 10,000 patients die every year from the consequences of nosocomial infections. Across Europe, the number of such deaths is estimated to be about 90,000 per annum. If anything, the situation is getting worse: previously encountered essentially in a hospital environment, infections of this kind have now started to affect all places frequented by the public.

With these issues in mind, GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE has developed Dry Fog, a dedicated technology and a complete innovation, ensuring the perfect and even diffusion of the disinfectant throughout the area and on all the surfaces treated – including those which are normally inaccessible or hidden. This diffusion system provides a mist-like aerosol quality (with a droplet size of 8µ to 12µ) to the spreading of the disinfectant, with electrically charged droplets that promote nucleation.

The STERINIS(r)/STERUSIL(r) device/product pair makes Dry Fog possible. STERINIS(r), which is a mobile and easy-to-handle system, is used with STERUSIL(r) disinfectant. The disinfectant is non-toxic, non-corrosive, biodegradable, prepared in two-litre cartridges, electronically identifiable, tamper-proof and disposable. STERINIS(r)/STERUSIL(r) is already being distributed in 20 countries via a comprehensive distribution network.

The STERINIS(r)/STERUSIL(r) process is the answer to the ’missing link’ in the disinfection chain. It can be included as a natural stage in the general hygiene process, and considerably reduces the concentration of germs by limiting the risks of human error (especially those generated by forgetfulness on the part of staff). Based on leading-edge Dry Fog diffusion technology, STERINIS(r) is designed for use in all medical sectors and service industries concerned by disinfection.

GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE’s innovative solution also has other advantages. The STERINIS(r) device guarantees perfect traceability via a patented data recording system, while the cartridges of STERUSIL(r) disinfectant are tamper-proof (being protected by electronic detection technology) and easy to use (thanks to programmable parameters). The STERINIS(r) device verifies the conformity of the disinfection process and runs automatic checking procedures (check-up, amount of disinfectant diffused, quality of the misting process, etc.). Besides, STERINIS(r) does not require personnel intervention and rooms can be used very quickly after they have been treated.

The STERINIS(r)/STERUSIL(r) process has already been successfully tested under actual conditions of application in a hospital environment (operating theatres, recovery rooms, rooms used for infectious patients, etc.). It meets all harmonized standards currently applicable and European Union directives (73/23/CE, 98/68/CE, 89/336/CE, NFT 72-281, NF EN 55011, and NF EN 55022). GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE has been ISO-certified (ISO 9001 & ISO 13485) by SGS YARKLEY (UKAS).


GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE will present the STERINIS(r) system at the MEDICA trade fair, which will be taking place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 20 to 23 November 2004.

GLOSTER SANTE EUROPE, which is headquartered in Toulouse (in South-Western France), designs, manufactures and distributes equipment and technologies that guarantee the comprehensive and effective disinfection of surfaces in the medical sector, in the pharmaceutical industry, and in any field of activity where disinfection is a concern (which includes public places, airliners, industrial installations and farming equipment). About 80% of the company’s sales are generated by exports.

Media Contact

Philip JOLLY FTPB - press

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