New Eurobarometer on innovation reveals companies’ increased commitment to innovation

The new 2003 Innobarometer, published on CORDIS today (10.3.2004) reveals that the vast majority of companies in the current EU Member States are already convinced in the necessity to innovate and see innovation as a driving force for strengthening their competitive market position in the global economy. The survey of over 3000 managers of big, medium and small sized companies in the EU shows that in a diffiuclt economic climate, the role of markets that are open to innovative products is considered even more crucial. Managers expect their efforts in innovation to particularly benefit from both the market dimension of the European Union and its common rules. Enthusiasim for the Community patent is widely spread, with nearly 60 % of European executives believing that it would help companies in general to innovate, and nearly half feeling that it will prove „effective“ for their own company..

One finding, to the attention of policy makers is that efforts made by the EU instutions to promote innovation seem to be largely unkonwn with one in three managers unable to voice an opinion. The effect of a Community patent still needs to be clarified for many companies across the Member States. Continued efforts are needed to ensure that innovative companies are supported and rewarded and thereby lead the Union towards a truly common innovative economy.

The results from the 2003 Innobarometer survey are coming out on the eve of the Third European Business Summit ( ). It will gather in Brussels on 11 and 12 March 2004 nearly 1000 top-level business executives, national and EU policy makers and non-governmental organisations to discuss the key role of research and innovation for achieving the EU strategic goal of becoming the most competitive global economic player.

During the Summit the European Commission will launch a new Innovation Action Plan and reveal the first projects for SMEs to be funded from the EU research budget, known as the Sixth Framework Programme of the EU.

the CORDIS links from the European Business Summit Programme to find out more about the EU research and innovation support schemes ( If you are unable to attend the summit, check out CORDIS News online ( , which will report daily from the discussions ahead of the Spring European Council in Brussels.

Attached is the accreditation form the European Business Summit and the summary of the 2003 Innobarometer survey.

The full Innobarometer report is on CORDIS at:

Media Contact

Virginia Mercouri cn

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