XML Web Services – The next service revolution in telecoms

The Internet of today is a worldwide library, built on static HTML pages. The Internet of tomorrow will be more: a global service machine, enabling to access any application on any server in the world. The integrating technology, which has the potential to make this service revolution come true, is called XML Web Services.

One of the countless service areas that could be revolutionised with XML Web Services is video-on-demand. Currently, there is no standardised technology implemented, which could enable the seamless interaction between service providers, content providers, and customers in the online provisioning of video-on-demand.

XML Web Services would immediately change this: content providers register their standardised data in the database of a service broker, where service providers can easily find them. The application servers of content provider and service provider could then interact with immediate interoperability, enabling the fast delivery of a requested video without the need for costly proprietary interfaces between the two.

All leading international IT companies have already realised the revolutionary importance of XML Web Services. The huge potential for the telecoms market is yet to be explored.

From 24th to 25th June, major IT companies meet European telcos and manufacturers in Heidelberg, Germany, at the first comprehensive event in Europe to explore the technologies and business opportunities for the telecoms sector. Experts from Alcatel, Btexact, Ericsson, France Telecom, IBM, IONA, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Telenor, T-Systems, and other leading companies will show exemplary applications, present new business scenarios, and discuss security as well as other technological aspects.

The role telcos could play in Web Services is still to be defined. Eurescom programme manager Uwe Herzog, however, is convinced: “XML Web Services offer huge opportunities to network operators. They have a large customer base and the infrastructure to provide Web Services for connectivity, authentication, billing, payment, and more.”

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Milon Gupta alfa

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