Toyota Announces Expansion of Mexican Plant

23. Januar 2006

Tijuana Facility to Increase Capacity to 50,000 Trucks, 200,000 Truck Beds

TOYOTA announced on Jan. 20 (in Mexico) that it plans to increase the annual production capacity of Toyota Motor Manufacturing de Baja California (TMMBC) to 50,000 pickup trucks and 200,000 truck beds (from a current 30,000 and 180,000, respectively) within 2007. TMMBC is Toyota’s Tacoma pickup production facility in Tijuana, Mexico.

The planned expansion will represent an additional investment in TMMBC of 37 million U.S. dollars.

TMMBC began operations in 2004 and produces Tacoma pickups for sale in the United States and Mexico. It also makes all Tacoma truck beds, supplying such beds to New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), Toyota Motor Corporation’s joint venture with General Motors, Inc. in California, U.S.A., which makes the Tacoma and other vehicles.

Outline of TMMBC

Company name: Toyota Motor Manufacturing de Baja California S. de. R.L. de. C.V. Location: Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
President: Hideki Matsunaga
Establishment: March 2002
Start of operations: Truck beds: September 2004 – Pickup trucks: December 2004
Products: Tacoma pickup trucks and Tacoma pickup truck beds
Production capacity following expansion: Truck beds: 200,000 – Pickup trucks: 50,000 Additional investment: 37 million U.S. dollars

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