Novel Marker for Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

</a><strong>Background</strong><br>Celiac disease is a worldwide autoimmune disorder characterized by gluten intolerance, and is associated with a number of serious clinical conditions. The percentage of people with celiac disease is worldwide about 1%. In spite of increasing disease awareness, the mean diagnosis rate of 20 % remains low.<br><br>

Due to insufficient significance of present serological markers, biopsy and histology are the gold-standards for diagnosis. Therefore, a still unmet need is the development of a non-invasive, reliable diagnostic test for celiac disease.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br>Here we provide a novel marker, which exhibits a higher sensitivity than any other known diagnostic test for celiac disease. Furthermore, the novel marker features the detection by antibodies from patient sera under denaturated conditions, which allows the design of various assay formats of diagnostic kits.<br><br> <b>Benefits:</b><ul> <li>Discovery of a novel protein and peptide combination, that facilitates effective and cheap diagnosis of celiac disease</li> <li>Recognition of antibodies from celiac disease patients sera with high sensitivity and specificity</li> <li>The marker features the detection by antibodies from patient sera under denaturing conditions, which allows the design of various assay formats of diagnostic kits.</li> <li>The diagnostic assay can be of any type, such as ELISA, Luminex bead arrays and strip arrays etc.</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> DE-Priority (10/2009).<br> PCT Application (10/2010).<br> <br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin</p>

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