HHL sponsors business plan competition "Future Healthcare"

The World Conference on Regenerative Medicine (WRM) broadens its horizon and incorporates the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL).

On October 29 and 30, HHL will organize a business plan competition, the „HHL Healthcare Challenge“. Cooperation partners are DAK, Sana Kliniken AG, ecorium GmbH as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI.

Regenerative medicine presents elegant and promising therapeutic solutions for the treatment of many chronic and wide spread diseases and can substantially contribute to the future of healthcare. The program of the WRM includes lectures from international experts allowing the participants of the „HHL Healthcare Challenge“ to gain an overview of innovative approaches in this field.

Additionally venture capital companies will participate giving young biotechnology entrepreneurs advice on how to acquire financing for new companies successfully – even in times of economic crisis.

More information on Venture Capital participation at the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine will be available shortly.

Submission of abstracts for the WRM as well as early-bird registration is possible until July, 15 on www.wcrm-leipzig.com

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Volker Stößel idw

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