UCLA researcher wins Kempe Award for tropical rainforest studies

The explanatory memorandum cites Stephen Hubbell's important theoretical studies of biodiversity and biogeography, and his long-term research on the tropical rain forests in Panama.

His work has a significant impact in better understanding the factors that maintain the diversity of tropical forest ecosystems and how these endangered ecosystems can best be preserved and managed.

In early October, Professor Hubbell will arrive in Umeå to receive the Kempe Award. Furthermore, he will present two honorary lectures. On Monday 6 October at 3:00 pm, he will lecture on „Neutral Theory as a Tool for Understanding Ecological Complexity“ in P-O Bäckströms Conference Hall, SLU. He will discuss the subject of „Neutrality, Niche, and the Dynamics of a Neotropical Tree Community“ on Tuesday 7 October at 3:00 pm at Auditorium KB3B1, KBC Building, Umeå University.

It is the eight occasions in which the Kempe award has been awarded. Ecology researchers at Umeå University and SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) are jointly responsible for the selection of the award recipients.

Marie-Charlotte Nilsson Hegethorn, Forest Ecology and Management, SLU in Umeå
Phone: +46 (0)90-786 84 40
E-mail: Marie-Charlotte.Nilsson@svek.slu.se

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Sven-Olov Bylund idw

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