Supplier Relationship Management Aerospace & Defense

Key Topics:

• Optimizing lead time and visibility while operating across multiple supply chains, suppliers and service providers

• Improving sourcing management, supplier connectivity and collaboration in low cost country sourcing

• Harmonizing supply chain processes to meet customers’ fulfillment requirements, compensate supply-demand imbalances and minimize costs

• Fostering collaboration while at the same time ensuring competition among suppliers

• Involving suppliers at an early stage to share ideas, risks and costs and maintaining visibility over stocks outside the company’s control

The aerospace supply chain is changing rapidly: primes and tier ones are striving to reduce costs and share risks. With increasing market pressure and a rising competition in the race for resources manufacturers are reconfiguring the value chain managing fewer suppliers and moving work down the supply chain.

The biggest challenge for OEMs is to improve and sustain supplier process capability and to gain visibility over inventory outside their control.

As aerospace companies outsource more of their core business, the need for real-time visibility, agility and accuracy are of enormous importance in dealing with demand fluctuations and customer expectations.

In today’s aerospace supply chain suppliers are a shared resource that requires a cooperative effort.

Media Contact

Stefanie Kurzawa marcus evans

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