CALMponin – Novel markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer

The invention is based on the finding that the proteins Calmodulin-like protein 5 (CALML5) and Calponin-h2 (CNN2) are upregulated in the nuclear matrix of human breast cancer tissue whereas both are absent in healthy human breast tissue and benign controls. Thus, the two proteins may serve as novel markers for breast cancer.

Comparing blood levels of patients with breast cancer, patients with benign breast diseases and age-matched healthy controls the use of CNN2 in human blood demonstrated to be a highly specific and sensitive biomarker for the early detection of human breast cancer in women of all ages. As CALML5 can also be found in human blood, a blood based assay identifying breast cancer patients by analysing the level of CALML5 is currently explored. Furthermore, this method may be used for the determination of a patient`s prognosis and of a therapy efficacy within the scope of personalized medicine.

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