DuPont Packaging Announces Call for Entries for 23rd DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

DuPont Packaging announced today the call for entries in the 23rd DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation, the industry’s longest running, independently judged competition.

“The industry is facing many challenges to address cost and waste reduction as well as sustainability demands while responding to consumers’ needs for greater convenience. Innovation is key to these new packaging approaches and we aim to recognize innovative solutions from around the world that address local needs,” said Shanna Moore, global director of sustainability – DuPont Packaging.

“DuPont sponsors this program to recognize achievements that provide learnings to the industry and to highlight the importance of collaboration. Once again we will conduct a global online event that will be open to the industry and in addition, winners will be honored in a celebration event with senior DuPont executives.”

The prestigious international jury panel for the 23rd DuPont Awards will be headed by John Bernardo, president, Sustainable Innovations LLC, USA. Entries will be evaluated for excellence in packaging innovation, sustainability and cost /waste reduction. Entry forms and guidelines are available at The deadline for entries is Feb. 28, 2011.

Packaging designers, converters, consumer goods producers, retailers and equipment manufacturers from around the world are encouraged to enter their new product packaging developments. There is no fee for entry and DuPont materials do not need to be in the packaging structure. In evaluating entries, jurors will consider excellence in one or more of these areas: innovation, sustainability and cost/waste reduction. Winners will be announced in the spring of 2011. Information on the program and past winners is posted on DuPont’s Packaging website.

DuPont ( is a science-based products and services company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 90 countries and regions, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.

Contact DuPont:
Birgit Radlinger
Tel.: 0049 6102 18-2638

Media Contact

Birgit Radlinger DuPont

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