Journalism meets Science: join a lab and experience science as it happens

EICOS, the European Initiative for Communicators of Science, invites journalists from European countries into its „Hands-on Laboratory“ course. The next course will be conducted June 1-9, 2002. All costs of the programme are borne by EICOS. Deadline for application is February 15th 2002.

EICOS, the European Initiative for Communicators of Science, again invites journalists from European countries into its „Hands-on Laboratory“ and to the „Extended Assignments“. The programme is aimed at journalists with a wide range of backgrounds and interests who wish to gather first-hand experience of techniques of molecular biology, to discuss their wider implications for the society with researchers, to gain contacts for future stories, and to meet colleagues from different media and different countries.

At the heart of the programme is the „Hands-on Laboratory“, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. Journalists spend eight days working with scientists on actual projects, using state-of-the-art molecular biology methods. During evening events, journalists are encouraged to discuss issues of public understanding of science with researchers and with their colleagues. A social programme provides opportunities to enjoy Göttingen and its surroundings.

The next „Hands-on Laboratory“ will take place from June 1st to June 9th 2002.

Following the „Hands-on Laboratory“ journalists are encouraged to spend up to two weeks in an „Extended Laboratory Assignment“ in which they are invited into selected laboratories of Max Planck Institutes as well as into other leading research institutions in Europe.

All costs of the programme, including board and travel of the journalists are borne by EICOS. Professional journalists from any European country (including Israel) and working for any print or electronic media can apply, including freelancers. Scientific background is not required, and generalists with an interest in research are also encouraged to apply. Reasonable competence in English is, however, mandatory, as all activities are carried out in English.

Deadline for application: February 15th, 2002.

Information about the EICOS program:
Press Release about the first Hands-on Laboratory in Göttingen, 1999

Media Contact

 Dr. Ulrich Kuhnt Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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