Optimized Dehumidification Control Loop


In central air handling units cooling and dehumidifying of the air usually takes place using chilled water cooling coils with one of the two kinds of circuits: temperature controlled or mass flow controlled chilled water supply circuits.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> The invention combines both types, the temperature controlled and mass flow controlled chilled water supply in one water circuit arrangement. Thus combining the advantages of the temperature controlled circuit with those of the mass flow controlled chilled water supply circuit, without the disadvantages immanent in the two circuit systems.<br><br> A simple but very effective valve arrangement, combined with a variable speed pump (see Figure) allows simultaneous control of the mass flow and the water supply temperature. The supply water temperature determines the slope of the change of condition and the mass flow controls the cooling power applied to the air. This allows cooling the air with or without dehumidification as well as dehumidifying the air with a minimum amount of cooling, resulting in substantial energy savings.<br><br> <b>Benefits</b><br> <ul> <li>combines advantages of the temperature controlled chilled water supply, with the advantages of the mass flow controlled chilled water supply, but leaves the disadvantages out</li> <li>allows for cooling without dehumidification</li> <li>allows for dehumidification wit a minimum amount of cooling</li> <li>simple but very effective arrangement</li> <li>easy to install</li> <li>energy saving, thus lowering the cost of air conditioning</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German Patent DE 102009007591 <br> European Patent Application EP2394101A1<br> US Patent Application US2012048954A1 </p> <p><strong>Origin</strong><br> Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin</p>

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