A Novel Peer-to-peer Scheme for Distributed Systems


We offer a powerful peer-to-peer scheme for the efficient organization of very large scale dynamically distributed systems such as ad hoc mobile networks and computer grids. The architecture is realized as a logical overlay of a two-dimensional concentric multi-ring topology (illustrated above) with the best robust resource distribution and discovery algorithm available. The latter allows no more than DHiPeer steps to retrieve any resource in the network with DHiPeer = logd (N(d-1) +d) -1, where DHiPeer is the minimum diameter (distance between nodes), d is a given fixed maximum degree (connectivity) of each node and N is the number of nodes. Each node holds a routing table of constant size 2d + 3 and can join or leave the network for a controlled constant cost ~O(d) which is independent of the number of nodes in the network. This solution does not exhibit the typical disadvantages of common computation and communication architectures such as high bandwidth consumption, centralized directory structure and non-consistent distribution of resources. It is fast, reliable and cost efficient and can be implemented in systems of unlimited size.<br><br> <p><strong>Benefits</strong><br> <ul type=“disc“> <li> High efficiency</li> <li>Constant low overhead</li> <li>Scalable</li> <li>High error tolerance</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> European Patent EP 1748604 B1<br> US Patent US 7 660 320 B2 <br> <br> <strong>Origin</strong><br> Technische Universität Berlin, Germany</p>

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