Call for Nominations for Biochemical Society Awards
Call for Nominations for Biochemical Society Awards
Medals and Lectures
The Awards Committee of the Biochemical Society is seeking nominations for its Medal Lectures for 2003. These prestigious awards recognise excellence in the fields of biochemistry across different stages of science careers. The following Medallists and Lecturers will be selected during 2002 for award and presentation in 2003:
Colworth Medal
The Novartis Medal and Prize (formerly Ciba)
Keilin Memorial Lecture
The Jubilee Lecture
Full details are available on the Biochemical Society website at:
The Awards Committee stresses that it is essential that, in nominating an individual, you include the following:
– a letter from the nominator which summarises the nominee`s principle achievements and clearly describes the context in which these meet the criteria for that award
– the scientist`s current CV and list of relevant publications. The 10 most significant (5 in the case of the Colworth Medal) publications should be highlighted
– just two supporting letters from eminent colleagues describing the area of work undertaken and highlighting the nominees` achievements in relation to the criteria.
For awards with age limits the Committee will exercise considerable discretion when considering nominees with significant breaks in their careers.
The closing date for nominations is: Friday 24 May 2002
If you have any questions about nominations please contact Sheila Mills:
Tel: 020 7299 4441
Nomination should be sent to:
Sheila Mills
Director, Society Activities
The Biochemical Society
59 Portland Place
London W1B 1QW
Media Contact
Weitere Informationen:
http://www.biochemistry.orgAlle Nachrichten aus der Kategorie: Förderungen Preise
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