Not so Hard to Handle

A simple new handle that makes it easier to hold everything from hammers to violins will be further developed thanks to an Invention & Innovation award of £75,000 from NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts), the organisation that exists to support UK creativity and innovation.

Dentist Glen Heavenor, from Glasgow, came up with the idea while searching for a way of improving the design of toothbrushes. He noticed how awkward wrist movements are caused by poor handle design and to compensate for this Glen came up with the Rotilt (also known as enhanced rotation of a tilted handle). The technology behind Rotilt is ergonomic: it increases leverage and control of objects with handles, at the same time reducing joint strain and that tired arm feeling.

The Rotilt technology has been developed personally by Glen to the level that it now can be seen featured on a range of baby buggies, on hairbrushes and incorporated into Danish cookware. It is based on the structure of the mammalian longbone, which tilts, has a spiral and ends with a bump. The Rotilt handle is the first designed to enhance the role of the muscles of the thumb, and as a result offering better control and greater safety. It also can be used in many different positions without awkward wrist and arm postures and the injuries that they can cause, such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

NESTA support will allow Glen to capitalise on the success he has already achieved with the Rotilt handle. He will be able to take time away from his dental practice and look to build upon the success he has had in selling the design to other markets, such as the DIY or garden tool markets.

Over use of machines and the continuing reliance on technology has seen the rise of injuries such as RSI. NESTA is delighted to be supporting an ergonomic design that looks to solve this problem without having to limit the amount of time we spend using machines and tools.

Media Contact

Joseph Meaney alfa

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