Award: UMSICHT science award for journalists and scientists

The UMSICHT science award vehemently negates this assumption. It is the duty of „someone great“ to come into contact with society in an understandable way. Scientific ideas must be available to everybody and must not result in dogmatic debates by experts.

Those who achieve this are presented with the UMSICHT science award with the heartfelt appreciation by the UMSICHT Circle of Friends and Patrons. The prize money of a total of 15,000 euro is awarded split into categories of science and journalism. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31st, 2014.

The UMSICHT Circle of Friends and Patrons is awarding the science award for the fifth time in the fields of environmental, safety in process engineering, and energy technology. The prize is awarded in the categories of science and journalism and totals 15,000 euro: 10,000 euro for the prize winner in the science category and two prizes of 2,500 euro each in the journalism category.

Science category
Especially important for the evaluation is the subject-specific level and the sustainable benefit of the work for environment and society. Special emphasis is placed on the degree of innovation as well as the market and application orientation, and also an easily comprehensible and convincing presentation. In addition to dissertations, final reports, studies and white papers are also welcome.
Journalism category
In the journalistic field, the form of media is open. Print, online, audio, video: anything goes. The vivid and comprehensible representation of a topic relevant to society and science as well as the originality of the opinions voiced are important evaluation criteria. Evaluated will be published individual and joint works. Mere concepts and photo works cannot be evaluated.
Online form for reduced effort
Admissible are any and all works that deal with the topics of the environment, safety in process engineering, or energy technology. The works should be no older than two years and may be submitted in German or English. The application documents shall include: the research work or publication, an abstract of the work (max. three DIN A4-sized pages), a single-page motivation letter with the title „This is the reason why I am engaged in research“, the application form, a curriculum vitae, and a declaration of agreement. An online form is available for a clearly arranged data transfer. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31st, 2014.

Weitere Informationen:
– Upload application documents
– Circle of Friends and Patrons

Media Contact

Iris Kumpmann Fraunhofer-Institut

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