MH-200 Dual-Plane C-Arm System

The no compromise solution for Vascular and Cardiac applications

MH-200 “Hyper Speed” C-Arms are designed to be installed in a Dual Plane configuration. The Dual Plane concept is gaining tremendous acceptance throughout the industry. Numerous health care facilities just don’t have the patient volume to justify a separate cardiac lab and a separate vascular imaging suite. Dual Plane is the perfect solution for these institutions. Dual Plane incorporates the use of (2) MH-200 Hyper Speed C-Arms that share a common angiographic table. One c-arm can then be equipped with a 9x7x5 inch II that is optimal for cardiac imaging and the second c-arm is equipped with a 16x12x9x6 inch II which is optimal for complete vascular imaging. The c-arms and imaging systems are interfaced with a dual plane Digitex Alpha Plus and the end result is complete and total optimization for each physician specialist. The ceiling suspended Dual Plane MH-200 Hyper Speed C-Arm configuration offered exclusively by Shimadzu is the premier Dual Plane system in the world! No other company currently offers two ceiling suspended c-arms for their dual plane configuration. Competitive dual plane systems incorporate {one tri axis, positioning device}; the second plane is always a floor mounted positioning device that is not a tri axis design. Shimadzu is the exclusive provider of a Dual Plane system that incorporates two ceiling mounted tri axis c-arms! Tri axis c-arms with longitudinal and transverse travel and optimized imaging systems translates into a premium dual plane system ensuring optimized image quality and absolutely no compromises!

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