"United against cancer, let’s convert the try with Curie!"

The Institut Curie (France) and Marie Curie Cancer Care (Scotland) – a cancer research centre and cancer care charity – have joined forces to fight against cancer by organizing a series of sporting events on February 21, 22 and 23, 2003, with the support of the French and Scottish rugby teams.

This weekend also sees the beginning of the centenary celebrations of the Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903 for their discovery of radioactivity.

A weekend dedicated to sport

The Institut Curie and Marie Curie Cancer Care, both internationally renowned for their work in cancer care and research, hope to increase public awareness of cancer with the operation „United against cancer, let’s convert the try with Curie!“ and generate donations in order to pursue scientific research in diagnosis, treatment and Palliative Care.
The funds raised will be distributed to both organizations, and anyone who has made a donation will receive a daffodil, a symbol of universal hope and commitment to the fight against cancer.

The programme includes two high-profile events:

Saturday, February 22, 2003: 2,000 bagpipe players from all over the world will play in Paris for the first time.

Sunday, February 23, 2003: the Six Nations Rugby Tournament France-Scotland match, supported by the French Rugby Federation and the Scottish Rugby Football Union (SRU) will raise funds for the Institut Curie and Marie Curie Cancer Care for their work in cancer care and research.

In the spirit of Franco-Scottish friendship, the British Ambassador in France will be hosting a fundraising event on Friday, February 21 which will be attended by a number of political, economic, scientific and medical opinion leaders and well-known athletes and media personalities who support the work of the Institut Curie and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

People who have already shown their support include Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Nobel Prize for Physics), Pierre Perret and rugby personalities like Fabien Galthié (captain of the French team), Abdelatif Benazzi (capped 76 times by France) and Emile Ntamack (capped 44 times by France).

Havas, the world’s sixth largest communication group, and its teams are committed to making the challenge set up by the two organizations a true success.
The fight against cancer is a national priority in France

The fight against cancer is a public health concern in all European countries, and is considered a national priority by the French President. Cancer remains the first cause of early mortality in France, with nearly 280,000 new cases per year and 150,000 deaths annually. Over the last twenty years, the number of cases has seen a 63% increase; 800,000 people in France currently live with cancer and 2 million have had cancer at any one time.

„I am delighted by this unusual and light-hearted event which has been organized to fight against cancer. No-one can be satisfied with a cure rate of only one person out of two! Apart from researching prevention, challenging cancer also includes developing screening programs, improving patient access to new treatments and expanding research programs. The operation „United against cancer, let’s convert the try with Curie!“ is ready to take up this challenge“, commented Professor Claude Huriet, President of the Institut Curie.

Press relations
Institut Curie / Catherine Goupillon
+33 (0)6 09 56 08 69
+33 (0)1 44 32 40 63

Havas / Alice Marouani
+33 (0)1 41 34 42 97

Media Contact

Catherine Goupillon Institut Curie

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