Rapidpoint® 400

The Rapidpoint® 400 is a sophisticated whole blood analysis system that is designed specifically for point-of-care testing while also satisfying the stringent requirements of the central laboratory. A single, multiple-use measurement cartridge contains all of the components of a traditional laboratory analyzer. This long-lasting cartridge includes the sampling unit, all of the sensors and all calibrating reagents. No gas tanks are required. A wash/waste cartridge contains the wash solution and also serves as the collection device for all of the waste, providing a completely closed, biosafe system. The Rapidpoint 400 System fully automates the entire testing process to provide standardized, laboratory-quality testing at every test site. It delivers whole blood results in just 60 seconds for one test or a complete panel, with the most complete point-of-care menu available- pH, blood gas, electrolytes, glucose and hematocrit- all with the capability to be monitored remotely by the central laboratory. Rapidpoint 400 uses a zero-maintenance, cost-effective multi-use cartridge and auto sampling provides consistent results. A color touch screen with icons and video guidance ensures ease of use.

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Bayer Diagnostics

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