A Method for Restoring BMP-Receptor Signaling in a Cell


Defects in BMP signaling can cause different diseases, e.g. interruption of the BMP/cGKI (cGMP-dependent protein kinase I) pathway due to a mutation in the BMP receptor II (BRII) protein causes e.g. pulmonary artery hypertension.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> We offer assays for the screening of compounds that are involved in the BMP-receptor signaling and are suitable for restoring BMP-Receptor signaling in a cell.<br><br> The assays uses the BMP-receptor for the screening for compounds with a high cGMP dependent protein kinase 1 activity (cGKI) or uses cGKI for screening for receptors that are associated with it. The novel cGKI-based pharmaceuticals can be used to treat a cell, tissue or an organism with a disease or a condition that is associated with impeded or interrupted BMPreceptor signaling, insofar as the activity of cGKI is increased in the cell, tissue or organ to be treated.<br><br> Those diseases can be pulmonary artery hypertension, fibrosis, cancer, bone disease, including brachydaktyly and fractures or neurodegenerative diseases.<br><br> <p><strong>Benefits</strong> <ul> <li>Method offers an additive for restoring or enhancing BMP receptor signaling</li> <li>The in vitro/in vivo tested novel compounds are suitable for the treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension, fibrosis, cancer and bone diseases</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> EP application filed 02/2008<br> PCT application filed 02/2009<br> <br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Freie Universität Berlin.</p>

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