High performance production method for integrated microfluidic systems

We offer an injection molding procedure for the production of integrated microsystems on the bases of 3D-MIDs. The procedure allows one to integrate electronics and fluidics without any additional joint processes like soldering, splicing or gluing.

Up to now microfluidic systems combined with electronics in a shared housing suffer from high costs in production and not reliable splices, which can be the cause of leakages. The offered technology can provide both, an efficient and paying production method and a hermetically sealed housing. This is achieved by using a one-piece construction, which integrates the electronic into the housing and the microfluidic system without gluing. Especially the use of “molded interconnect devices” (MID) allows the fabrication of highly integrated kits. There are as good as no limitations for the complexity of the microfluidic system, which not only provide the facility to analyse, but also to realise a fluid into the environment, dependent from the measured parameters. Using different synthetics, a wide variety of environments for applications is conceivable like biological systems, hazardous environments or even the human body.

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