Herbert Reichl honored with Electronics Manufacturing Technology Award

According to the Award Committee, Reichl “was first to point out the importance of system integration technologies on a chip/wafer level for industry with the extension of the 3D packaging activities”. He has focussed on the development of solutions that can be immediately applied and produced.

The IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society is the leading international forum for scientists and engineers engaged in the research, design and development of advances in microsystems packaging and manufacture.

Every year the CPMT Society presents the Electronics Manufacturing Technology Award to an outstanding scientist to recognize major contributions to electronic manufacturing technology in fields encompassed by the Society.

Professor Reichl has received numerous awards in the course of his professional career. He was honored as an IEEE fellow and awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in acknowledgement of his outstanding contributions to research and development. In recognition of his lifetime achievement as trailblazer for innovation and creativity in microelectronics and microsystem technology, both the CPMT and iNEMI have awarded him with a Special Presidential Recognition. In October 2006, Professor Reichl received the highest accolade of the VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies), the “goldenen Ehrenring” (golden ring of honor).

The Electronics Manufacturing Technology Award will be presented to Professor Reichl at the occasion of the upcoming ECTC Conference in Reno.

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Georg Weigelt idw

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