Body-Surface-Potential-Maps by utilizing a standard ECG device


Receiving a standard 12-lead electro-cardiogram (ECG) is a well established method to get information of the heart's electrical activity recorded from electrodes on the body surface. In comparison to standard ECG, Body-Surface-Potential-Mapping (BSPM) is an advanced method providing more extensive and precise diagnostic data. The reason for an improved detection and separation of pathophysiological heart function by BSPM is due to the much larger number of sampling positions of the electrodes attached to the thorax. Hence, spatially and temporally important features may be captured by BSPM but not by the 12-lead-ECG. So far, high cost and complexity have presented widespread use of BSPM in clinical settings.<br> Our new method requires only a standard 12-lead ECG device with digital data output providing almost identical results as BSPM. The only real differ-ence is that not all channels are being read out simultaneously, i.e. the map-ping is reconstructed from sequentially obtained ECG-Signals. A specific digital signal processing has been developed to synchronize sequentially recorded ECG signals. The resulting data is thus competitive to the “true” parallel BSPM. </p> <b>Benefits:</b> <ul> <li>Additional benefit for users of 12-lead-EVG devices</li> <li>Simple and cost-effective method to get additional clinically relevant data</li> <li>The algorithms may easily be added to the software of commercial digital ECG devices<span style=“font-size: 10pt; font-family: „TheSansOffice“,“sans-serif“;“ lang=“EN-GB“> </span></li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> German Patent DE 10 336 809 B4; European Patent Application EP 1653851 A1</p> <p><strong>Origin</strong><br> Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany</p> <b>Find the technology offer and contact details here: <a href=“″ target=“_blank“></a></b>

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