Workshop at Hannover Messe: Pushing Boundaries of Manufacturing with Innovative Design and Materials

The European research project „Innomatnet“ lives on the cooperation between science and industry. Here, experts from different disciplines, like industrial engineering, materials science and computer science, have come together to set up an innovation community.

The partners will provide an insight to their area of expertise and goals, in a workshop, on 11th April during the Hannover Messe 2013 from 10am to 5:30pm. Renowned speakers will be reporting about new possibilities and examples in their areas. Scientists working at the Bremer Instiut für Produktion und Logistik are also involved in the project.

„Networking of materials laboratories and innovation actors in various industrial sectors for product or process innovation“ is the name of the international project. The goal is to provide a network all across disciplines and institutions. Via support and innovative tools from science, the EU-project wants to create new connections, through exemplary, creative industrial obligation, as well as interdisciplinary controlled coordination. The Partners benefit from interactivity and assisting each other in the process. This is how new effective alliances are created.

The „3rd InnoMatNet Workshop on Materials and Innovation“ during the Hannover Messe is part of a series of events concerning the project, which wants to bring together specialist in materials science and innovative minds from various industrial areas to an interdisciplinary innovation community. The Workshop will deal with new trends and will give an alternative, new angle of looking at production processes and will provide new contacts for future.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Registration can be done at:

Benjamin Knoke (BIBA)
phone: 0421 218-50-185
mobile: 0162 617 31 26
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Media Contact

Sabine Nollmann idw

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