International Expertise in Turbulence Research

Fully Turbulent Taylor-Couette-Flow

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Egbers has managed to bring the 19th International Couette-Taylor workshop to the university in Cottbus – a conference getting together over 100 scientists from Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

This will be the third time in 36 years that the meeting will take place in Germany. In 1999 it was hosted by the University of Bremen and in 1985 it was held in Karlsruhe.

The aim of the international conference is the interdisciplinary exchange of experts in the field of rotating and stratified flows and their applications in geophysics and astrophysics, as well as in turbulence research.

Prof. Egbers explained the focus of this year's conference: „The description of turbulent flows continues to be a major challenge in the engineering sciences and in classical physics. It is the basis for our understanding of trends as they occur, for example, in aircraft cabins, large concert halls, but also in the atmosphere.“

About the Couette-Taylor Workshop

The first Couette-Taylor workshop was held in Leeds (England) on 27 and 28 March 1979. The workshop was then held every two years, alternately in Europe and the US.

The experts come from various scientific disciplines: mathematics, physics, geosciences/astrophysics, mechanics, process engineering and fluid mechanics.

The President of the BTU Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steinbach expressed: „I am delighted that the Couette-Taylor conference will bring international experts from 19 countries to Cottbus to share their expertise and know-how in turbulence research.”

Christoph Egbers
Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
T +49 (0) 355 69 4868

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