New Drug-releasing Coating for Implants


When repairing a missing, broken or diseased portion of bone, implants are being used fabricated from a variety of materials including metal, polymer and ceramics. To improve the property of implants, a porous coating is typi-cally applied onto the surface to foster long term stabilization. To promote healing, drug substances having e.g. antibiotic, cytostatic and/or osteogenic properties can be coated to the surface of the implant. <br><br> As metal implants are not easily modified to comprise a drug release mecha-nism, the implant coats have been suggested to serve as drug carrier. How-ever, these coatings fail as they are often too mechanically unstable during implant fixation. Furthermore, as the location of the drug on the surface of the implant is determined during the pre-coating process, the pre-coated implants do not allow customization, and loading of the drugs to be delivered. <br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> We offer a new elastic biocompatible drug-releasing patch for applica-tion/coating on implants. The drug-delivery patch can be customized in shape, size, and drug loading for optimal local delivery before implantation and applied directly at the operating room.<br><br> <b>Benefits:</b><ul> <li>The coating can be customized specifically for each patient. The customized coating can contain unique drug/dosage combinations specifically for individual patients.</li> <li>Compared to pre-coated prior art implants the new coating provides several advantages including flexibility, ease of use, and point-of care individualization of implants.</li></ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> EP application filed 12/2007<br> US application filed 12/2008 <br><br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

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