EGU Geosciences Communications Fellowship

The EGU invites proposals from professional, active journalists to report in the working media on ongoing research within the earth, planetary and space sciences. Competitive proposals will (1) focus on a topic in the geosciences (including planetary and space sciences) with potential broad public appeal, (2) preferably feature leading Europe-based researcher(s), and (3) outline an original, creative, and well-informed approach to the portrayal of the subject.

The winning proposal(s) will receive up to €5K (part as an advance, part upon successful completion) to cover expenses related to the project, and assistance in liaising with scientists. This support is intended to allow the EGU Geosciences Communications Fellow(s) to follow geoscientists on location and to develop in-depth understanding of their questions, approaches, findings and motivation. It is expected that the winning journalist(s) will publish at least one substantial item reporting on their project. Products could include text (such as a feature article in print or electronic media, or a book), still or moving visuals, or audio reportage, and may be published in any European language. The winning project must be completed within 12 months of the date of the award. The EGU will not claim revenues from products resulting from the project, but should be given full access to these products for further dissemination via the EGU website.

Applications must be written in English, and include:

(a) Proposal [2 pages]: a working title, motivation, outline of approach, provisional plan of work, suggested publication outlets, and analysis of feasibility (including budget).

(b) Summary of experience [1 page]: an account of professional affiliations and previous experience, expertise and acclaim.

Documents in file (a) should *not* include the applicant’s name, gender, contact details or any other information that identifies the candidate as this part of the application will be judged anonymously.

Applications must be submitted by e-mail in two pdf files [(a) and (b) above] to the EGU Media and Communications Officer, Bárbara T. Ferreira (, by December 15. Applications by this deadline will be evaluated by a committee comprised of practicing geoscientists and science journalists. The EGU will inform all applicants of the competition outcome in January, and the winner(s) will be invited to attend the EGU General Assembly in April 2012.

For further questions please contact Bárbara T. Ferreira at or +49-89-21806703.

Information for editors
The European Geosciences Union (EGU, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-profit international and interdisciplinary learned association of scientists founded in 2002. The EGU has a current portfolio of 14 diverse scientific journals, which use an innovative “open access” format, and organises a number of topical meetings, and education and outreach activities. Its General Assembly is the largest and most prominent event in the geosciences held in Europe, attracting over 10,000 scientists from all over the world each year. Many of the meeting’s sessions are dedicated to subjects of great societal importance, such as natural hazards and climate change.
Bárbara T. Ferreira
EGU Media and Communications Officer
Munich, Germany
Tel: +49-89-2180-6703

Media Contact

Dr. Bárbara T. Ferreira idw

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