Amanda Fisher receives EMBO Gold Medal

Amanda Fisher, group head at the MRC Clinical Science Centre, London (U.K.), is this year’s winner of the EMBO Gold Medal. This prestigious prize is awarded by EMBO in recognition of Amanda Fisher’s outstanding work on nuclear organization and gene expression as well as for her research on the molecular characterisation of the AIDS virus (HIV). Amanda Fisher will receive the award at the EMBO Members Meeting „Frontiers of Molecular Biology“ in Oslo, on October 12, 2002.

The EMBO Gold Medal highlights the quality of European molecular biology performed by young research scientists and is awarded annually to a European scientist who is under 40 years old. The medal has been awarded to many illustrious recipients in the past. It brings the high-quality work of young European scientists to the attention of a worldwide audience. In this way the EMBO gold medal is an indicator of the standards that are achieved by European scientists. It also honours the awardee as a role model for scientists in Europe.

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Ellen Peerenboom EMBO

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