Synthetic promoters for research, gene therapy & plant biotechnology

DKFZ scientist have developed and successfully applied a novel method for the rational construction of synthetic promoters which respond only to predefined transcription factors. This approach comprises an innovative cloning method for the synthesis of randomized promoter libraries as well as an interconnected in silico tool for the predic-tion of functional sequences for selectively induc-ible synthetic promoters. These predictions can be used to guide the promoter assembly process. Thus, the researchers have been able to create a library of promoters of different strength and inducibility. To characterize the promoters, we have developed standardized protocols for comparable measurements of promoter strength.

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Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKfZ
Tel.: +49-6221-422958

Regina Otto

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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