Vestas receives large orders in Spain

The Vestas Group has received three large orders in Spain at a total value of approximately mEUR 84.

18. October 2004

First V90 order in Spain

Vestas has signed a turnkey contract for delivery of a 40 MW wind power plant in Aragón, Spain. The order has a value to Vestas of approximately mEUR 38 and consists of 20 units of the V90-2.0 MW wind turbine scheduled for delivery in 2005. The contract has been awarded by GEA Magallon II S.L., a wind project developer located in Zaragoza. This is the first contract, which GEA has signed with Vestas.

36 MW order in Castilla y León

Vestas has signed a contract for delivery of 22 units of the NM72-1.65 MW wind turbine. The order has been awarded by Parque Eólico La Peñuca and has a value to Vestas of approximately mEUR 23. The wind power plant is located in Burgos in the region of Castilla y León and will be erected in 2005.

Vestas receives the fourth large order from AEGA

Vestas has been awarded an order for 54 units of the NM44-750 kW wind turbine for delivery in the first half of 2005. The wind power plant is the fourth phase of the Acciona projects in Galicia. The contract has been awarded by AEGA and has a value to Vestas of approximately mEUR 23.

“We are pleased to receive the first large order in Spain for the new V90-2.0 MW wind turbine particularly well suited for medium to low wind sites,” says Svend Sigaard, President & CEO of Vestas Wind Systems A/S and concludes: “The three new orders confirm our positive expectations for the Spanish market.”

The above orders do not affect the Vestas Group’s expectations for 2004, cf. Stock exchange announcement No. 33/2004 of 18 August 2004.

Any questions may be addressed to the Executive Management at Vestas Wind Systems A/S, telephone +45 9730 0000.

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