First German-Vietnamese Biotechnology Week (BioTechWeek) in Vietnam

Biotechnology is one of the key areas of cooperation between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE). In the framework of the „1st German-Vietnamese Biotechnology Week 2002“ the results of ongoing cooperation projects will be presented to the public and plans for strengthening future cooperations will be discussed. Industry from both cooperants as well as scientists should come together in various forms to get to know each others activities and potential for future cooperations in the field of biotechnology.

In a FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT we would like to draw your attention to the planned activities around BioTechWeek 2002 in Vietnam.
At three locations (Hanoi, Cantho (Mekong-Delta), HoChiMinh City) in total 7 different symposia, exhibitions, workshops i.e. will be held.

– Biotechnology Symposium in conjunction with (small) Industry exhibition (see ref. no. 2): „Results and future activities of scientific-technological cooperation between Germany and Vietnam in Biotechnology“

– (Small) Industry exhibition (20-30 companies) from Germany and Vietnam aiming at bilateral cooperation. Exhibition area provided f.o.c!

– 2nd German-Vietnamese Workshop on Genetic Engineering and Bioinformatics

– 3rd BMBF/DAAD „Surplace-Scholarship Awards“ by His Excellence The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Wolfgang Massing, Ph.D.

– Promotion campaign: „Advanced Studies in Germany in Biotechnology“

– Symposium: „Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology“

– Symposium: „Biodiversity in Vietnam- Moleculargenetic vs. Traditional Access Techniques“

For further information please contact:
Dr. L. Mennicken,
International Bureau of the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.)
Königswinterer Str. 522-524
53227 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49-(0)228/4492-355
Fax +49-(0)228/4492-490

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