Back to where it all began: International Vehicle Dynamics Symposium is returning to Austria

The world’s leading scientific conference on vehicle dynamics, the “International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks” of the IAVSD, is returning to Austria after 38 years.

For the 24th IAVSD symposium, which will take place in Graz from August 17th to 21st of next year, more than 300 experts are expected to attend to discuss the latest developments in vehicle dynamics for rail and automotive applications. The event will be hosted by the VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center, in cooperation with the Technical Universities of Graz and Vienna, and industrial partners AVL, Magna Steyr, and Siemens.

With the event in Graz, the symposium, which last took place in Qingdao, China in 2013, returns to Europe for the first time in 18 years. The last event in a German-speaking country was held 36 years ago in Berlin. Styria and the German-speaking region are well known for their automotive and rail industry and are among the leading regions in the world for vehicle dynamics. This alone is an excellent reason to highlight the region’s strengths at the symposium.

The International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics was founded in 1977 in Vienna to support science and research and to encourage international communication in this field.

The main topics at the symposium will be: dynamics, stability and safety; vibration and comfort; advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving; and wheel-rail and tire-road interaction.

Graz is Austria’s second largest city and has a long history of vehicle development. With research facilities such as the VIRTUAL VEHICLE and the Technical University of Graz, as well as companies such as AVL, Magna Steyr, and Siemens, Graz is among the world’s leading cities in the field of road and rail vehicle development and manufacturing, as well as vehicle dynamics.

In addition, the city, which was the cultural capital of Europe in 2003 and features an historic city centre that is on the UNESCO world heritage list, is a popular host for conferences of all kinds.

In addition to the various talks at the 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, the programme will feature demonstrations of the latest vehicle technologies, as well as visits to the Magna Steyr plant, the AVL test beds, the Siemens production site for railway bogies and wheelsets, and the facilities of the VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center and the Technical University of Graz. Furthermore, there will be an informal evening reception hosted by industry representatives and an official conference banquet.

Call for papers
Abstracts for papers can be submitted from now until 30 November 2014. The authors will be notified by 1 March 2015 if their topic has been accepted. The finished papers (6 to 10 pages) must be submitted by 1 July 2015.

Conference Chairs:
Dr. Martin Rosenberger, VIRTUAL VEHICLE
Dr. Jost Bernasch, VIRTUAL VEHICLE

Scientific Chairs:
Prof. Peter Dietmaier, TU Graz
Prof. Martin Horn, TU Graz
Prof. Manfred Plöchl, TU Wien
Prof. Hermann Steffan, TU Graz

Industrial Chairs:
Dr. Andreas Haigermoser, Siemens AG Österreich
DI Martin Peter, Magna Steyr Engineering AG & Co KG
Dr. Peter Schöggl, AVL List GmbH

Technical Visits:
Magna Steyr test track and production site
AVL List test beds and test track
Siemens production site for rail bogies and wheels
VIRTUAL VEHICLE and Technical University of Graz


VIRTUAL VEHICLE is a leading research center in Graz, Austria, that develops affordable, safe and environmentally friendly vehicle concepts for road and rail. The key aspects of the research and development include connecting numeric simulation and experimental verification, as well as developing a comprehensive, full-vehicle system simulation.

About 200 experts from an international network of industrial and research partners devise innovative solutions and develop new methods and technologies for the vehicles of tomorrow. VIRTUAL VEHICLE is currently working in close collaboration with over 80 industrial partners (including Audi, AVL, Bosch, BMW, Daimler, Doppelmayr, Magna Steyr, MAN, Porsche, Siemens, and Volkswagen). In addition to our principle scientific partner, Graz University of Technology, we also collaborate with more than 45 global university research institutes (including KTH Stockholm, KU Leuven, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, TU Munich, KIT Karlsruhe, University of Sheffield, or CRIM Montreal). In business year 2013, VIRTUAL VEHICLE generated a turnover of 22 million Euros.

The COMET K2 program will provide the basis for funded research activities until at least the end of 2017. VIRTUAL VEHICLE directs and participates in a wide range of future-oriented EU projects and also offers a broad portfolio of contract research and services.

DI (FH) Christian Santner
Phone: +43 664 88518030 – Website IAVSD – Website VIRTUAL VEHICLE

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