Multi-modal cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging


We offer a novel multi-modal MRI (MM-MRI) approach for simultaneous data acquisition and generation of images for T1 mapping, cine, and late gadolini-um enhancement MRI. In contrast to conventional MRI, MM-MRI allows the assessment of heart function and tissue properties at the same time, which saves acquisition time and facilitates integration of information derived from the different image types. The initial implementation is optimized for use in small animal models with high heart rates (e.g. 300 beats per minutes in anesthetized rats). <br><br> <b>Benefits:</b><ul> <li>MM-MRI generates T1 maps, cine, and scar images simultaneously. Total scan time is reduced as compared to conventional imaging protocols, where each component has to be acquired separately. Dif-ferent image types do not require further registration as they all stem from the same data set</li> <li>Acquisition scheme can be optimized for human or experimental applications</li> <li>Resulting T1 maps provide high T1 accuracy</li> <li>Feasibility and potential for preclinical tissue characterization have been demonstrated on a 3 Tesla clinical MRI system </li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> US patent application (09/2009)<br> National patent applications in USA and Europe based on PCT application <br><br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin

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