Efficient Hardware-Based Real-time Forward Error Correction for Safety-Critical Applications
Real-time control of safety-critical applications is
becoming increasingly important in a variety of markets as the automotive, aviation, financial or medical sector. Furthermore, with electronic components becoming smaller and more complex, the hardware immanent error probability arises. We present a robust and reliable forward error correction technique enabling data transmission in noisy environments. Our mathematically proved decoder corrects single-bit and multi-bit errors in real-time. It can be easily realized on hardware level in embedded systems: A simple non-clocked combinational circuit consisting of only a few logic gates performs the decoding. Registers or flip-flops are not needed. The decoder works for a wide variety of block codes. This allows the code characteristics like block size and correctable errors to be tuned to your individual needs.
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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (7071) 29-72639
Dr. Rolf Hecker
Media Contact
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