Dental Implant – Optimised adhesion of gingiva through bio-nano-coating

Medicinal implants have become widely used in modern dentistry. While significant progress has been made to improve the adhesion of such dental implants to the jaw, adhesion of the gingiva to the titan surface is still a major problem. Insufficient adhesion of the gap between the implant and the tissue leaves a pocket for bacteria and therefore frequently leads to peri-implantitis. In many such cases the implant has to be removed.

The invention provides a multi-layer bio-nano-coating to optimise the adhesion of gingival fibroblasts to the implant. This bio-nano-coating is tightly connected to the implant and at the same time ensures flexibility of the molecular layers. Further the bio-nano-coating enables the native conformation of embedded molecules, e.g. of fibronectin. This is essential to attract gingival fibroblasts, which then link the gingiva to the titan surface of the implant by generating their own extra-cellular matrix. In summary, the invention comprises medicinal implants with biofunctional coating, which will greatly reduce the incidence of peri-implantitis and other complications related to the insufficient adhesion of the tissue to the implant.

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