Application of Nanocarriers for the Treatment of Copper-deficiency Diseases


For several human diseases that are associated with a disturbed cellular metal-ion homeostasis, nanocarriers offer a possibility to bypass the metal-ion uptake system and thereby to rescue the effects of cellular deficiencies. The disadvantage of conventional carriers with limited matrix compatibility is that they either transport non-polar molecules into an aqueous environment or they transfer polar molecules into a hydrophobic environment (micelle). To overcome these problems of solubility and stability of active agents, nanocompartments are needed, that are compatible with various environ-ments.<br><br> <strong>Technology</strong><br> The invention offers a novel application of nanocarriers in copper-deficiency diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson Disease. The nano-transport system can deliver copper and other divalent metal-ions with a high specifici-ty. The nanocarriers are formed by covalent modification of dendritic macro-molecules with a shell, to form stable micelle-type structures.<br><br> <b>Benefits:</b><ul> <li>Nanocarriers with dendritic core and multishell architecture: suitable for non-covalent encapsulation of various guest molecules, compatible with different environments, targeting the nucleus across cell membranes </li> <li>Transport via passage of the blood-brain barrier in a living individual seems to be possible.</li> <li>Bypassing the cellular metal-ion uptake system to rescue the effects of Copper deficiency in certain diseases, such as Alzheimer‘s and Parkinson Diseases.</li> <li>Also diseases associated with other divalent metal ion deficiencies, e.g. Zinc, could be targeted.</li> </ul> <p><strong>IP Rights</strong><br> European patent granted in 2011<br> validated in: DE, CH, DK, ES, FR; GB, IE, IT LI, NL<br> US patent application filed in 02/2008 <br><br> <strong>Patent Owner</strong><br> Freie Universität Berlin

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