Delta-Sensor – A novel corrosion analyser for wireless corrosion mapping of reinforced concrete structures

Corrosion of steel in concrete is a global problem, leading to billions of dollar in repair and maintenance cost. A reliable diagnosis of the condition of a reinforced concrete structure is the basis for an effective life cycle management.

Potential mapping allows a location of areas with a high risk of chloride induced corrosion of steel in concrete. Typically, a half cell potential is measured with a high resistive voltmeter between an external reference electrode and the reinforcement. However, this method requires the local destruction of the concrete cover to establish a galvanic contact between steel bars and the reference electrode. In some cases older structures cannot be analysed reliably due to the discontinuity of the reinforcement. The novel Delta-Sensor Concrete Corrosion Analyser overcomes these disadvantages by measuring without a reinforcement connection through a direct measurement of the surface potentials between three CuSO4 half cells and the determination of the field gradient in the vicinity of depassivated reinforcement areas. The results are plotted in a corrosion map, showing precisely the position of critical areas in the concrete structure.

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PROvendis GmbH
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Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Schillert

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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