Conference to launch European Technology Platform for Biofuels

A conference to mark the launch of the European Biofuels Technology Platform will take place on 8 June in Brussels.

Organised by the European Commission with the support of the Biofuels Research Advisory Council (BIOFRAC), the conference will present the major conclusions outlined in the BIOFRAC’s vision report ’Biofuels in the European Union ? a vision for 2030 and beyond’, and officially launch the European Biofuels Technology Platform.

The one-day conference is designed to give participants the opportunity to provide feedback to the report, and feed in their views and experience. An afternoon session will put biofuels in a wider perspective: biorefineries, biofuel trade, biofuels in the new member states, biofuels in a global context, and biofuels research in Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The programme will include an opening message by Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potocnik, as well as keynote addresses by leading industrialists and government and Commission officials. The event will be of value to all stakeholders in the biofuels field such as actors from policy, research, agriculture, forestry, public authorities, industry, NGOs and other interested parties, and in particular for those interested in defining the way forward for biofuels research in FP7 and beyond.

For further information:

To find out more about European Technology Platforms, please visit:

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